The King Of Limbs

This Quiz includes several questions concerning "the King Of Limbs", and it's possible origin; including the sad passing of M Scott Johnson.

When got
1) When got "The King Of Limbs" published?
2) "The King Of Limbs" is the actual album? In which possible relation to "Summernightbrand Record Sales"?
M Scott Johnson, to whom
3) M Scott Johnson, to whom "The King Of Limbs" especially got dedicated, had a tragic accident and died. What was his position?
How many persons got injured in thiat tragic event?
4) How many persons got injured in thiat tragic event?
Who released
5) Who released "The King Of Limbs" in Japan?
Peak postition in the Australion Album Charts!?
6) Peak postition in the Australion Album Charts!?
What's the name of that newspaper, promoting The King Of Limbs?
7) What's the name of that newspaper, promoting The King Of Limbs?